ProScan - Multipage scanning  and document manager

Clarion ProScan - multipage document scanning add-on for Clarion

ProScan 4.9 is now available with Clarion 11.1 support
and ProDocument support!

Click here for details

ProScan is an add-on for Clarion Developers who use our ImageEx imaging library.

This feature rich tool builds on ImageEx technology and makes it possible for you to add multipage document scanning and storage to your Clarion application in less than 10 minutes!

The process is as simple as adding a global extension template, importing the ProScan TXA and dropping the ProScan Link Control Button on your Window!

Click here for a full screen view in a new window

Click to view ProScan at work in a Clarion world!



  • ProScan builds on ImageEx technology.  You must own ImageEx 3.6 or greater (Note: if you want to use ProScan with Clarion 9.x then you will need ImageEx 5.x)
  • ProScan works with all versions of Clarion 11.x, 10.x, 9.x, 8X, 7X, 6X and C55
  • ProScan ships with both Legacy and ABC templates and examples
  • ProScan can be used in single-exe or multi-DLL applications
  • ProScan contains no black box code.  Full source is provided


Click here to see more ProScan features


A special note of thanks...

ProScan ships with over 200 related icons from the (formerly Ace Icons) collection.  These icons make it easy for you to try out each of the styles and colors and see just how great they make your application look!

(look for proof sheets and more info on this later...)

ProScan is only $249.95

Buy Now!


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