Clarion ProScan Help

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Version History

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(newer versions are added to the bottom of the list)


ProScan Version 1.2 was released on 2-22-2006




ProScan Version 1.3 was released on 2-26-2006

Changed icon naming and deployment.  Default icons now start with PS_ and are in 3rdParty\Images

Added option on global extension to turn support for default end user HTML help On/Off more...

Fixed minor bug in Scanner Setup (ABC) where routine was omitted in original ABC port

Added FM3IGNORE to the PSBlob.txt and a note about it in these docs more...

Updated demo program for website and website docs




ProScan Version 1.5 was released on 1-26-2007


ProScan 1.5 is now compatible with ProImage 1.6 (it is NOT compatible with older versions of ProImage).

Migration to .CCL format - Most of the "working code" from the ProScan procedures was moved into a .CCL (Clarion Code Library) include file located in the 3rdparty\libsrc folder. This code is INCLUDED into the procedures by the templates and should allow updates of your working code after version 1.5 without any major effort that would affect your window customization. The name of the ProScan .CCL file is: PS_ProScan.ccl

Clarion 5.5 Compatibility - ProScan is now compatible with Clarion 5.5H and all Clarion 6.x versions. New installers support all of these versions.

Templates Renamed - in order to keep consistent with the other ProSeries tools such as ProImage, the following files were renamed with a ps_ prefix:

ProScan 1.3 Compatibility Mode added - a special flag was added to the ProScan extension templates for the Scan Manager and the Scanner setup to enable ProScan 1.3 compatibility. After installing the new templates, all you need to do is check the box on the templates and the code that generates the INCLUDE statements for the code in the .CCL files will NOT be generated. This will not add any of the new functions to your existing ProScan applications, but it will allow you to compile and run them until such time as you decide to migrate the code in them to the new format.

ProImage Compatibility completed - ProScan 1.5 is now compatible with ProImage 1.6. Existing users can add a ProImage call button to their scan manager windows and enable the ProScan/ProImage Data Bridge on the call button template (and the corresponding entry on the ProScan control panel template).

New Move Page "Shuffle" Feature - a new "Shuffle" button has been added that allows you to change the sequence of pages by moving them forwards or backwards in the TIFF file. This feature is accessed from an icon on the ProScan toolbar. See docs for details on compression and DPI.

Custom Compression For Profiles - Added the ability to save custom compression settings for each Scanner profile. If you change the compression on the scanner profile, then that compression setting is used instead of the Program Default value. This makes it possible to create multiple profiles from the same scanner that use different compression levels (such as one for Color Photo scans, another using GROUP4 Compression for B&W scans).

TIFF Navigator Templates - Added TIFF Navigator templates that can be used to let the user "page" through the images of a TIFF when displayed on a Viewer control on a Browse or Form. There is also a new option box on the ProScan link button template to refresh the TIFF Navigator after the Scan Manager exits.

Remove Files Bug Fixed - updated template to not generate code for the removal of the PSBlob work file if blob automation was not used. This eliminated errors where the PSBlob was not in the .dct even if not used.

Missing CODE template in demo removed - a missing CODE template (???Unknown) was removed from the demo application. This was a leftover from some code being moved into the main template and had no effect on ProScan.

New Scanner Setup Option - a new option was added in the scanner setup to allow you to suppress the "Scan Canceled" message that some scanners send even when a scan was successful. This option can be set on a new tab of the scanner setup window.

New Control Panel Setting - a new ProScan control panel template setting was added to allow you to set the background color of the filmstrip (this is the color displayed when only one thumbnail is present).

Update Replace Thumbnail Routine - updated the replace thumbnail routine to correct a problem where replacing a portrait image with a landscape one would cause the thumbnail to be generated in the wrong aspect ratio.

Code Variable Name Change - All instances of PopMenuBGColor and PopMenuFontColor were changed to PS_PopMenuBGColor and PS_PopMenuFontColor (PS_ prefix was added) for consistency across ProSeries tools.

Image Size Displayed - the size (in pixels) of the current page is now displayed on the status line after the filename.

Template Utility Entries Added - Entries were added to the Application Utility Template menu so that you can easily import the jumpstart TXA for ProScan (or a combination version of ProScan and ProImage if you own both template sets).

Added new PS_Fastfile class to PS_Utils.tpw  allows a file to be saved or read in one pass using Windows API calls.




ProScan Version 2.0 was released on 7-28-2009


ProScan Version 2.0 was last updated for Clarion 7.x on 5-24-2011

Click here for details



ProScan Version 3.0 was released on 6-13-2011

Click here for details



ProScan Version 4.0 was released on 10-14-2013

Updated 1-22-14 for Clarion 9.1

Click here for details