Clarion ProScan Help

Survival Guide

Survival Guide

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Survival Guide

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Ok - you don't want to read the docs.


We understand.


Note:  If you are updating from ProScan 1.3, be sure that you unregistered the ProScan ABC and Legacy templates (as well as the ProSeries Utility templates), then uninstalled ProScan 1.3 BEFORE you installed ProScan version 1.5 or later.



This Survival Guide is the absolute minimum of documentation that you must read before you start to use ProScan.


Follow these steps:


1.Install the ProScan templates.  (if you let the setup program do this for you, they should be ready to use).


If you did not let the installer register the ProScan templates, then you need to do this first.  There are three templates and they are installed by default in C:\Clarion6\3rdParty\template:


( file locations for other versions shown here )


PS_ProScanABC.tpl                This is the ABC version of the ProScan template

PS_ProScanLeg.tpl                This is the Legacy (Clarion) version of the ProScan template

PS_Utils.tpl                        This is a "Helper" utility template that makes it easy for you to use the ProSeries utilities in other programs



2.Load and Compile one the demo applications.


They are installed by default in C:\Clarion6\3rdParty\Examples\ProScan.


( file locations for other versions shown here )


These demo programs show exactly how to configure ProScan and use it with all three types of document storage.


Most importantly compiling and running the demo will prove to you that everything is working on your computer BEFORE you start to integrate it into your application.


Important Note:


The demo is our first line of support.  Since it exercises all the functions of ProScan including all the different storage methods, ALL our support responses will begin with "Does it work in our demo?"


As stated, the demo puts ProScan through it's paces - including all methods of document storage.  This includes using external TIFF files, TIFF files stored in a blob field (attached to your parent TABLE) and using the ProSeries Blob Automation (TIFF files stored in a separate blob file - but automatically linked and indexed to your parent TABLE).


There are two versions of the demo:        This is the ABC Version of the demo        This is the Legacy (Clarion) Version of the demo


Note: We also include two versions of test applications that show ProScan and ProImage integrated together.  These examples WILL give you a lot of errors if you try to load them without having ProImage installed and needless to say they will not compile without it.


These combination demos are:        This is the ABC Version of the demo where ProImage is a page editor for ProScan        This is the Legacy (Clarion) Version of the demo where ProImage is a page editor for ProScan



After you have looked at the demo programs and see how they run, look at the ProScan templates to see what controls are available to you.  You will find them in these locations:


Global Extension Template                This template is where you tell ProScan how to store its settings.  Both INI files and the Registry are supported.  ProScan uses the ProSeries RegINIClass template to automatically store the settings in either location.  You simply set it - and forget it.

ProScan Link Control Template        This template creates a data bridge between your parent FORM and the ProScan procedure.  It makes it easy to map the data that is sent from your FORM to ProScan and to map the data returned to you by ProScan after a session is complete.

ProScan Control Panel Template        This template is on the ProScan procedure.  It allows you to configure some of the colors used in popup menus and viewers.  It also creates the links to the RegINIClass to save and restore program settings.

ProScan Scanner Setup Template        This template creates the links to the RegINIClass to save and restore program settings.




When you are familiar with the way things work, you are ready to add ProScan to your own program.


IMPORTANT: Backup your application before you start. If you do not backup and lose your application for any reason then you have no one to blame but yourself.  We accept no responsibility for any possible loss due to your failure to do adequate backups.