The ProScan installer will provide you the option of registering the templates automatically.
If you did not let the installer register the ProScan templates, then you need to do this before you can use ProScan. There are three templates and they are installed by default in C:\Clarion6\3rdParty\template:
●PS_ProScanABC.tpl This is the ABC version of the ProScan template
●PS_ProScanLeg.tpl This is the Legacy (Clarion) version of the ProScan template
●PS_Utils.tpl This is a "Helper" utility template that makes it easy for you to use the ProSeries utilities in other programs
There is also a file in the template folder called PS_Utils.tpw. This is a common library of utilities that is shared by the ProSeries tools. If you want to use its functionality in your other programs, just add the ProSeries Global Extension template to your program.
Note: Adding the PS_Utils.tpl to your application is not needed when you have added the ProScan Global Extension template since the PSUtils.tpw is already included.