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External Files

External Files

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External Files

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If you are storing your documents as external TIFF files, set your ProScan Link Control as follows:




1. Select the option to store TIFF files As External Files from the drop down menu.


2. Enter the name of your variable for the TIFF file name (or select from a data list).  This step is optional, but if you do not pass the filename your users will be prompted for it when they save their file.


3. You can also control if the user is allowed to rename the file.  If this option is not checked, then a different filename being returned from ProScan will be ignored.


4. Set the File Storage Path (if desired).  It defaults to the program folder if not set.



A note about working files:

ProScan makes a copy of a file before it opens it in the user's TEMP folder (as reported by the OS).  The original file is replaced if the user makes changes and saves the file.  The temporary file is always deleted.


This type of file usage makes it possible to have multiple users without problems of duplicate file names for temp files.  It also gives best performance since pages from the TIFF are loaded from a local drive as the user navigates the file.


Your parent FORM is responsible for concurrency so any considerations you want for multi user access are in your total control.