Clarion ProScan Help

Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings

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Advanced Settings

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New in ProScan 4.0 is the Advanced Settings tab of the scanner setup.


The Advanced tab of the scanner setup is only used if you are having problems getting your scanner to work with the software.




By default each of these options is enabled when you create a new scanner profile.


If you have problems with your scanner accepting software control (things are just not working as expected), you can try unchecking these items, saving the profile and trying your scan again.


We suggest that you do this by disabling only ONE item at a time.


You should also know that when some items are disabled, it may disable a feature in the software.


Normally you should never have to change anything here, but since some scanners resist external software control this may give you a way to get your scanner to work correctly without losing a feature of this software.


Note that these changes ONLY affect the profile where they are changed.  They are not global settings.