The class and template set for ProPath are fully ABC compliant.
This means that you should never have to even know they are there, but if you want to access the class settings you can find them here:
When this button is clicked you will see this window open:
Object Name
The MAIN and SYSTEM class objects are predefined in the templates, so the option to change them is disabled here.
Note: you can use the classes and define your own instances of them in hand code as needed.
By default the object uses the default ABC: ProPathFolderClass as it's base class.
If you wanted to change the base class for this object, or derive it you can do so according to ABC guidelines.
Note: there is also an option on the MISC tab to change the base class for all objects.
The folder variable name for the main data folder defaults to FOLDER:MAINData
If you need to change it you can, but since the templates do all the work for you there is really no reason to change it.
The naming convention was selected to show you at a glance in the code that it was a FOLDER variable for the MAINData path.