Clarion ProScan Help

Global Extension Templates

Global Extension Templates

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Global Extension Templates

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This is the ProScan global extension.


Note that there are separate templates for ABC and Legacy.  Clarion will present the correct one depending on your application needs.





On this extension tab you need to select how ProScan will store the scanning settings and profiles.  You can specify either an INI file or to use the System Registry.


Note: the RegINI class does not support use of the Registry on Clarion 5.5



All ProSeries tools use our utility class that automatically reads and writes to either the registry or the INI file based on your selection.  If you change your mind later, the class adapts automatically so you do not have to go back into the code and make changes.


The template will automatically assign an INI filename based on the application name.  You can change this and you can also specify your own variable for the INI filename.


If you are using the Registry, the template will default to a root registry key of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (other selections are available) and to a subkey of SOFTWARE\%application  (where %application is your application name).


Hint:  You can also use our RegINIClass in other programs and to control the settings of other parts of your program


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